Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Bharti Walmart India - Truth is over-rated

Bharti Walmart India is the undying proof of pure absolute greed that is sustained through an intricate system of deception, and backstabbing that has been going on for years. This has been masterminded by "Zealots" so they can scam all the people of the world out of their money, and they can feed off their lives like parasites till the end of time. The manipulation is so subtle that most people are not able to recognize the deception when it is presented to the face. Their ultimate technique is to control the opposition that would come into existence which has allowed them to get away with numerous crimes around the planet for hundreds of years. Their numerous shameless atrocities depict that they will stop at no costs, and they will stoop to any low to sustain their system of neat infinite greed built with lies, and deception. 

Bharti Walmart India

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

"Faking News" Propaganda machine

The best way to write off truth is to add it to satire spoof sites, and later when people realize that the truth has been written off in a slick manner then the "Zealots" create confusion so that their opponents never receive any justice. Bharti Walmart India has used the same slick technique to write off truth so that they can perpetually manipulate their prey till the end of time. Walton family now pretends to have Cherokhee Indian ancestry so that they can get tax benefits off the billions of dollars that they make in the host country. All they have to do is perpetually manipulate the laws so that they can keep feeding their black hole of greed till the end of time.

Bharti Walmart India
They have created multiple propaganda techniques through which they have been feeding off the lives of billions of people, and their victims do not even realize what is happening to them. Their network is so huge that none of the people can never get out of the intricate trap that has been built for them. The hole of greed keeps growing, and the people remain trapped in their near infinite system of absolute evil.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Using Loophole Strategy in the Court

The greatest way to suppress any allegations in the court of law is not only by creating doubts, and confusion but also using the loopholes in the laws. This is the technique used by major corporations that are owned by the zealots to corrupt, and destroy other people’s businesses to feed their system of profiteering. They have been doing this for generations, and they have become very good at it which is why there are corporations like Bharti Walmart India who are able to trample over many mom, and pop stores. They use the media to transform the mindsets of the people, and they use toned down words to make the real picture fuzzy. As long as the people remain ignorant, and confuse they can feed off the lives of billions of people around the planet. They have targeted this country so that they can feed their system of manipulation by corrupting the lives of the people who are defenseless against their onslaught.

Bharti Walmart India

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Walmart funded by EL Rothschilds

Bharti Walmart India is an evil corporate terrorist that is being funded and endorsed by Lady Lynn Forester Rothschild ( whose family owned British, French, Dutch and Swiss East India Company that enslaved India ) for over 200 years. However, the covert war against this country has been fought much longer than just 200 years. The Independence of India, and many other countries was a fraud to make people let down their guard, and that gave the "zealots" the opportunity to continue their manipulative agendas without any rebellion. They created a whole new system based on their laws that they can manipulate to control the victims within their trap. They used every means at their disposal to keep people confused, and powerless to fight back their deception.  

Bharti Walmart India

Wal-Mart shows interest in export of Indian agri-products, this will be the second such initiative for Bharti Group. Bharti Enterprises has an additional undertaking, FieldFresh Foods with EL Rothschild Group-owned ELRO Holdings India, to export fresh agri-products like fruits and vegetables to Europe and the US.

Field Fresh was fundamentally an export agro-based corporation and has been exporting fresh fruits and vegetables to various markets including UK, the Middle East and Europe.

The statement above shows that Bharti Walmart India is going to be used not only to open all doors to cheap chinese sweatshop produced goods, but also to export the raw food produce to European countries which is completely opposite to their claims of making the internal distribution within the country, better. The fraudster cult of Zealots are deceptive to their core and they will do any thing to make a quick buck. The time has come to understand the true nature of this evil, and eradicate it completely.

Saturday, 25 August 2012


The question you should be asking yourself before reading ahead is why is the world in the bad economic shape that it is in today? The whole economic system around the world is built on an unhealthy system of “Debt” which was installed over the original system that was healthier for everyone. The system of debt allowed the zealots to steal everything from all the people of the planet after they had taken over the world with the “British, French, Dutch, Swiss East India company”. The Zealot Age of enlightenment is the pure opposite of the original concept of enlightenment which is the liberation from the world of death. The zealot age of enlightenment represents how to enslave the people of the world with the poisonous system of everlasting debt. Major corporations that grew like mushrooms around the world by creating Chinese slaves who produce cheap goods for them, and they supply those goods to the rest of the planet to make their fortune. Bharti Walmart India is the next phase in the system of infinite exploitation of all the people connected to their warped web. 

Bharti Walmart India
The case of Debby Shanks also proves that they will go to any length to profiteer off the lives of the common people. She was in a major accident in the year 2000, and she lost her ability to function as a normal person. She had short term memory loss which made her forget any conversation she has 10 minutes ago. Her family won the lawsuit against the trucking company which was responsible for her accident, and they won money from that lawsuit. Instead of helping her, walmart sued her for that money because they had already had a clause in her contract for the same. 

Bharti Walmart India
The use of “Dead peasant insurance policy” is the undying proof of “Zealotry”, which was created to save up the money that they would have had to pay the government in the form of taxes. Using this policy the corporations owned by the zealots can easily use the system to preserve millions through insurance. They can also take up loans from the banks over this policy at the same time which them nearly unlimited edge over money. If this evil corporation comes into this country, then they are going to play the same game of near infinite exploitation, and all the common people will be completely destroyed in the next 10 years.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Corporate Profiteering Zealotry: Dead Peasant society

Most evil corporate empires in the world today are owned, and controlled by Zealots who have been eating away the soul of the world for their personal profit. They have been planning the destruction of the world systematically for their ego, greed, and the simple reason of world domination by backstabbing, lying, and using every sinister means to make it happen. They are the same people who owned the British, Dutch, French, Swiss East India Company which only came into existence after the complete take over of Europe after the installation of “Pretender Kings”. These pretenders were Crypto-zealots who legions always lay with the zeal of the zealots. All of that ancient evil transform to a whole new level in these times into the modern corporatocracy that we see today. The use of “Dead peasant Life insurance” by Zealots is an undying reality which is to save on the taxes that they would have had to pay to the government. Bharti Walmart India is the same pea of the pod that has the same track record in America. 

Bharti Walmart India

Bharti Walmart India is an evil corporate empire which plans to destroy this country to a whole new level by exporting the fresh goods to Europe, and eliminating the kirana stores by predatory pricing. The goods they are going to sell are going to be directly from China, and most of the government officials in India are in their pockets. Once they enter and take over then there will be nothing to stop these monsters to destroy this country. These corporations carry these Dead peasant or dead janitor policies that amount in billions, and the best part is that you will never know that if this company has one out on your life. When you die, all the money goes to them with interest. They can also get loans from insurance companies on these policies to fund their agendas further. 

Read more: 

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Zeal of the Zealots: the invasion of their minions

Global terrorism created by the cult of Zealots is a true reality, and they have created an intricate web of lies to control the people of the planet. Just like the stock market was created by the Dutch East India Company to control all the businesses of the world through their system. It was a perfect means to drive people into their system with the delusion that they will have more investment coming into their company through this system, but most people do not realize that they can easily take over the company by just buying off the majority of the shares to control the assets when the company is big enough. Bharti Walmart India  is just another tool for the Zealots to takeover, and feed off the people who are ripe for the harvest. They are constantly lobbying with Indian National Congress to let them in the country as soon as possible to satisfy their shareholders. They have also called upon their minions Auchan, Max and Lanmark to invade on the side to create a perfect norm of the system.

Bharti Walmart India

This monstrosity of the zealots cannot be allowed to continue because they have every intentions of destroying our lives for future generations to come just like they have done in the past with British, French, Swiss and Dutch East India company. They were all controlled by the Borg collective to attack their enemies from all sides, and confuse them entirely. Bharti Walmart India is playing the same game of “Divide, and rule” that has been played by the Zealots for a long time, but no more. Their time has come to an end, and they will be destroyed.